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Stress Busting tips

Disclaimer: I am not a medically trained professional and these are tips for guidance only.  Always speak to your registered health care provider if you have health issues that need addressed
Stressed Man


Our bodies are designed to cope with short bursts of stress and activate our 'fight, flight or freeze' response (think facing a lion or bear).  However, we no longer face such dangers, and instead have stress from things like work, emails/texts from people who make us uncomfortable, being over-busy, being in crowded places, feeling bored or guilty and so on. 


The effects of the stress hormones on a prolonged basis has a damaging effect on our heart and other organs, immune system, digestive system, muscles etc - resulting in issues like high blood pressure, heart problems, muscle pains, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel and many more conditions.  It also affects our emotional and mental health.  Therefore, it's important to do as much as we can to reduce stress. 


Here are some tips which can help:-


  • Deep breathing - slow deep breathing lets our body know that we are not in danger and are safe.  This means the body will stop releasing the stress hormones making us feeling calmer and more relaxed.  Try square breathing - breathing in for a count of 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 4, hold for 4.  Repeat a few times until you feel better.  If you can't manage a count of 4 do what you can manage.  Just slowing the breath and taking deeper inhales and exhales will help.


  • Practice Mindfulness and stay in the present moment - We spend a lot of our time thinking about the past (often with regrets) or worrying about the future.  However, this causes stress and achieves nothing as we cannot change the past, nor can we predict or control the future.  We only ever have the present moment.  Try to stay in the present moment, only focussing on that moment - you can use your senses to help noticing what you can see, hear, smell, touch, feel.  We are often doing several tasks at once overwhelming our minds and bodies.  If you are doing a task, for example, washing the dishes then focus solely on that task, noticing how your hands feel in the water, the pattern on the plates, how your body feels today, etc.  The more you do this the easier it becomes and you will notice an improvement in your mental health and stress levels.


  • Spend time outdoors - it's proven that spending time outdoors in nature relaxes our nervous system.  And you can get some much needed Vitamin D too.


  • Regular exercise - it doesn't have to be a high impact class or a tough session at the gym.  Find something you enjoy which makes it easier to stick to - maybe a dance or aerobics class, yoga, swimming, or even go for a walk with friends.


  • Get plenty of sleep - if you struggle to sleep then consider your sleeping habits.  See the sleep tips section for more ideas


  • Meditation - there is a misconception with meditation that it's about sitting in stillness and having an empty mind (almost impossible to do).  It's actually about learning to be present in the moment, controlling your breathing and learning to control your thoughts.  See the meditation tips section for some ideas.


  • Have some 'me time' - it's easy to get overwhelmed with work, family life, and all the other demands placed on us.  Try to make time every day, even 5 or 10 mins, to have some 'me time' - even if it's having a coffee in the garden, reading a book, having a soak in the bath, treating yourself to a massage etc.


  • Gratitude - it's easy to get bogged down by work, pressure etc.  But there is always something to be grateful for (having a roof over your head, foot to eat, loved ones, a nice garden etc).  Every day write down 3 things you are grateful for that day.


  • Eat healthier - junk/processed foods are known to lower our vibration level and mood.  Try to eat fresh unprocessed foods and reduce sugary and processed foods.


  • Reduce toxins - these can affect your sleep, increase anxiety and also interfere with your body's chemistry.  So try to reduce alcohol, caffeine, smoking etc.








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Pauline Henderson


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