Booking and Cancelling appointments

Treatments available by appointment and for women only
You can make an appointment with DeLuna Wellbeing in a number of ways:​​
By Facebook/Messenger (
By email -
By text/whatsapp on 07561 012444
(please text or Whatsapp rather than telephone as I may be with a client and unable to take your call or it be a non-working day. I will get back to you as soon as I can)
Please note my working days are Wednesday to Saturday. Therefore, I will reply during those days.
When booking please provide your full name, email address, contact telephone number and details of the treatment(s) you would like to book. Please also include details of any allergies you have (especially if you are allergic to any fragrances, essential oils etc) or any health conditions I may need to know about (see the contra-indications and cautions section below).
I will confirm any bookings to you, in writing (noting the cancellation policy below). I will also contact you the day before your appointment with a reminder and important information about your appointment (including location, payment info, any specific clothing requirements etc).
I reserve the right to ask for 50% of the treatment to be made, at the time of booking. This is non-refundable in the event of a late cancellation within 48 hours.
Certain medical conditions are contra-indicated for specific treatments and means you may not be allowed to receive these treatments or you may need written confirmation from your medical professional that treatment can go ahead. Other medical conditions may require a treatment to be restricted or adapted.
Please see the information here with the contra-indications and cautions. If in doubt, please speak to your health professional (GP, nurse, consultant etc) to determine whether or not you can have a treatment.
Please note my massage bed weight capacity is 159kg/ 25 stone, therefore, I cannot treat any clients over that limit for safety reasons.
Payment can be made by bank transfer in advance of your appointment (preferred method) or in cash on the day of your appointment. If you require my bank details for a bank transfer let me know.
I reserve the right to ask for 50% of the treatment to be made, at the time of booking. This is non-refundable in the event of a late cancellation within 48 hours.
I appreciate that events happen resulting in you needing to cancel or reschedule your appointment. However, I am a small business with costs and require a minimum of 48 hours notice to cancel/reschedule an appointment (to allow me to try to fill the appointment).
Cancellations within 48 hours of the booked appointment will be charged 50% of the booking value. Cancellations within 24 hours will be charged 100% and failure to attend/no shows will also be charged 100%. This is because I may not be able to fill your appointment slot and I still need to cover my costs.
You can cancel/reschedule your appointment via any of the the contact methods mentioned in the 'booking' section above (bearing in mind if this is within 24-48 hours of the original appointment you will still need to pay for 50%/100% of that appointment, before you rebook another).
An invoice for any cancellation/ 'no-show' charges will be sent to you by email for payment by bank transfer within 7 days (minus the cost of any non-refundable payment already paid). Following a cancellation, payment must be received before any further bookings can be taken. If you fail to pay any future appointment requests will be denied.
If a gift voucher is used and you fail to show or cancel within 48 hours of the appointment, the gift voucher will be taken as payment for the missed appointment.
It is important that our agreed appointment time and duration is adhered to. I appreciate that sometimes things happen and you may arrive a little later or need to leave a bit earlier than planned. This is fine, but I cannot make up the missed time by overrunning or adding time to subsequent appointments.
DeLuna Wellbeing provide treatments in a variety of forms, but none of these treatments are a substitute for professional medical care or counselling. I will not diagnose, prescribe medication or medical treatment of any kind and will always recommend referal to a GP or other qualified medical professional.
The client has a duty to provide full and accurate medical information, to the best of their knowledge during consultation, and to keep DeLuna Wellbeing informed of any changes to that information for subsequent appointments.
I may refuse to treat any client or part of their body with just and reasonable cause. I reserve the right to terminate any appointment at any time if I believe it is not safe or in the client's best interests.
In accordance with GDPR I need to let you know a few things about how I use your personal information when you contact me:
I will contact you using the contact preferences you give me in your first contact with me in relation to appointment times and treatment information.
I do not store or use this information in order to contact you with marketing material and I won't disclose any personal information you share with me to any third parties.
Any information you disclose to me in order to complete a health/client consultation is held in a secure locked cabinet and treated as strictly confidential.

I do not store any personal information about you on any computer, laptop or tablet device.
If you have contacted me by text or mobile phone I will store your contact details on a password secured phone. Please let me know if you would rather I didn't keep your contact details on my mobile phone.
Should you choose to become a client of mines, I will discuss and note down your medical history during your initial consultation. This will be in the form of a paper copy. I will explain to you how and why I keep paper records of your personal information. Once again this information is treated as strictly confidential and kept locked in a secure place.