‘We have now discovered that there is no such thing as matter, it is all just different rates of vibration designed by an unseen intelligence’ – Max Planck, Quantum Physicist, Nobel Prize Winner 1918
There is a misconception out there that we are our conscious beings in a body which stops at our skin. Did you know that our bodies naturally conduct electricity? Every organ and cell in the human body has its own electromagnetic field, vibrating on a different frequency. A healthy cell will operate at a specific optimum frequency/charge, whereas in a sick cell (for example, a cancer cell) the frequency/charge will drop. When the frequency/charge is low the cells can’t function properly which can lead to disease etc.
The way we live our lives, including our thoughts and emotions, has a significant impact on our frequency/vibration level. If you look at the graphic below you will see there is a spiral/scale of vibration levels and the thoughts and emotions we have can increase or reduce our vibration level. As you would imagine, we feel better when we are in the positive emotional state - like feeling peace, joy, love. When we are in this state we tend to feel healthy, strong, happy. On the flip side, when we're dealing with the emotions like guilt, shame, fear etc we will feel low, depressed, moody, and probably physically ill too. Our cells are not vibrating at their optimum frequency, and we will feel out of balance.

So there is a direct correlation between thoughts/emotions/experiences and the effects on our health - physically, mentally and emotionally. We’ll cover more about that another time. For now I want to focus on the biofield and explain more about this healing therapy.
What is our Biofield?
Our biofield is our bodies electromagnetic field, and it extends approximately 6-8 feet outside your physical body (it can sometimes be seen by the naked eye as the aura). Your biofield contains a record of your life history with different areas of the field storing information related to trauma, relationships and other life events.
It’s compartmentalised into different areas with specific areas holding information related to specific emotions, states of mind and relationships. Like rings on a tree, the layers are related to a specific time period in our lives (the most recent years being closest to the body).
It is estimated that 85% of all illnesses are caused by stress and emotional issues. These show up as imbalances in our biofield.
What is Biofield Sound Healing Therapy?
This is a powerful sound healing therapy, using tuning forks, which will assess where the body's energies are blocked, trapped or out of balance, and then use sound to correct the flow of energy in the body's electromagnetic field (biofield).
Sound is one of the first senses to develop in the womb (and is believed to be one of the last to leave you as you pass over). Sound has long been used in medicine and for healing - we still use this in modern medicine for breaking up kidney stones (lithotripsy), healing fractures and we even use it everyday in ultrasound scans!
You will know yourself how much sound can affect your body and your mood - that song that comes on that makes you instantly feel better or want to dance, those songs that transport you back in time or to a specific memory, or those soothing noises that just make you feel instantly calmer (I love the sound of a river flowing or waves lapping the shore, birdsong, old fashioned typewriters, wind chimes and so many more...).
With this therapy we can identify distortions in the biofield using the tuning forks - we can do this by identifying where the vibration and noise changes with the tuning forks, and we can determine the age and source of the trauma. We can then correct these distortions using the vibrational energy of the tuning forks. This promotes self-healing and will help bring balance back into our cells and organs. The forks also create nitric oxide in the body which also promotes healing.
Biofield is beneficial for a lot of conditions – anxiety, depression, stress, pain, PTSD, migraines, emotional upset and many more!

What happens during a treatment?
You will lie fully clothed on the massage table and can be snuggled up nice and warm. You can have a relaxing eye mask on if you are comfortable with this. The room will be warm with soft music in the background.
I will check the body before treatment for energetic imbalances. I will work along your biofield, using tuning forks, to identify and note any area of imbalances. I will then use the tuning forks to correct these distortions in your biofield. Depending on the timing of the treatment, I may also use Reiki to cleanse and heal you, if extra healing is needed.
Afterward, I will discuss what I identified and cleared with you. The timelines may resonate immediately with you relating to traumas/big experiences from around those times (there was something that kept coming up in my session that I was clueless about, but it came to me the next day what it related to). Regardless of whether you can relate it to an experience or not, the healing will be working to bring balance to your mind, body and soul.
Each treatment will last 45-60 minutes.
What will I feel during/after treatment?
This varies a lot from one person to another. Some clients may feel the vibration from the tuning forks or feel sensation in the area being worked on. No matter what you feel, or don’t feel, the release will still be working.
I must admit before I had my training I was a little sceptical. However, when I was getting a treatment, my trainer was able to identify major things from several different ages in my life (and pretty accurately to the year too) – it blew my mind! Over the coming days and weeks I felt physical tension lift from across my chest and shoulder area too which was amazing.
How many treatments will I need?
This varies from client to client, depending on the amount of trauma and healing required. This will be discussed after your treatment.
Want to book or have questions?
Get in touch - you can get in touch from the 'contact' section of the website, via my social media channels or by email delunawb@gmail.com