I had a bit of an epiphany today about my business and how I want to run it.
I don't know about you but I have realised that so much of our world we live is in fake and filtered! Our social media pages are filled with filtered pictures, only showing the happy times and us 'living our best lives'. On the surface people look like they have the perfect life - with a beautiful and immaculate home, their kids wear matching clothes and looking like angels, always on glam nights out, having amazing holidays, and so on. But most of that isn't real. It doesn't show the days when we can't be bothered getting dressed, where we feel unhappy, where our kids drive us mad, where our house is messy, etc.
I worked in full time employment for 29 years before I set up this business and I had no experience of running a business. I've been running DeLuna Wellbeing, in it's current format, for over a year now and doing well but recently I joined a business mentoring programme as I thought I needed help. It blew my mind at the amount of hoops there are to jump through, and tricks and tools to hook people in - strategies to create a brand, to keep on top of the ever-changing social media algorithms, using people's psychology against them with marketing to get them to buy from businesses. So much of it is about making people feeling like they're not good enough, but their life will be perfect when they buy your product or use your service. I've looked into some courses recently where the marketing and strategies they use to hook people to sign-up is downright disgusting.
That type of approach just isn't me! And today I decided I cannot buy into that way of doing things.
I am an empath which comes with a whole host of pros and cons. I can feel other people's feelings very strongly, even through texts etc, and one thing I can pick up really easily is whether someone is being genuine or not. Authenticity is a really important thing for me when choosing to interact with someone, whether personally or professionally.
Yes, I want my business to succeed and there are little tweaks I can make to improve things. My business is about healing and helping others, not about making money. I never want clients to feel I am rushing them as I have someone else coming in at their back, or that the treatment they have received is sub-standard as I am tired. I only see 3 clients per day so that I can give my clients the time and quality of treatment they deserve. I make enough money to cover my bills and that's all I need. I left my much higher paying career behind as I'd rather have a life I enjoyed with less luxuries, than a stressful life with fancy holidays and things I don't need.
I could easily have got swept up in the strategies and marketing stuff to make my business 'better'. But for me, that would feel really inauthentic. I pride myself on being open and honest, and for me that is more important than making lots of money, or being booked solid.
So moving forward you'll just be getting authentic me! You won't be getting any gimmicks, clever marketing, or psychological tricks. I'll continue to provide my treatments with love and honesty, and to share any tips and things I think may help or inspire others. I know that by being myself, I will attract the right type of clients and income for my business.
Let's stop pretending to be someone we are not and love ourselves the way we are. The right people will stick with us no matter what.
Love and light,
Pauline x
